Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall pics

I've wanted to get some family pics this fall but just haven't had the time, so today Michelle was so kind to snap a few shots for us. Caleb was cranky and not wanting to cooperate and Macey lasted for about 2 seconds, but despite what Michelle had to work with I think we got some really cute pictures, here's a few of my favorites.

The most important things in my life...

Michelle says that these are totally "Suelyn" looks..

Thanks Michelle!


Jack and Daynalee said...

Oh my gosh these turned out SO cute.

julie said...

I absolutely love these pictures. I hope that I get a copy of one? you have very photogenic children and a very talented sister to take these...makes me miss my kids being little.

Debra said...

Cute Pictures!!! Your kids are so adorable!!! I love Maceys expressions...and your baby boy is getting so big! Cute!!!

jeffandlorraine said...

They turned out so good!!! I love fall pictures! Your kids are darling!!!

Tonia Z said...

UMMM... YEAH! Those are totally SUELYNN looks! So is terrible two's worse... or the testy 4's & 5's?

michellemcpherson said...

hey that's a sweet profile shot you put on there sister, so....I'm loving the painted face, it could always be worse right? That's what happens when you let her watch Miami Ink 24/7 I guess : )

Nathan and Shanna said...

Darling pictures!! I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Especially the baby. Fun!!