Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Testing the limits?

Macey has been so excited all afternoon to go to papa Kay's shop, and now...

she doesn't get to go.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall pics

I've wanted to get some family pics this fall but just haven't had the time, so today Michelle was so kind to snap a few shots for us. Caleb was cranky and not wanting to cooperate and Macey lasted for about 2 seconds, but despite what Michelle had to work with I think we got some really cute pictures, here's a few of my favorites.

The most important things in my life...

Michelle says that these are totally "Suelyn" looks..

Thanks Michelle!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

This and That

Just a few things that I've wanted to write about but haven't had time until now.
I've never really canned but this year I've kinda been into it and have enjoyed it. Plus I have an amazing husband who does most the work! Also thanks to Kathy for a lot of the produce and help canning. Hopefully I'll be a little more self-sufficient next year. On our shelves this year:

17 pints green beans 7 pints jalapeno jelly
20 pints pickles 16 pints salsa
7 quarts pickles 41 quarts peaches
9 quarts tomato soup 10 quarts spaghetti sauce
6 quarts chicken 18 pints chicken

The other day I found Macey and Caleb under the crib and asked what they were doing Macey replied "we're on the arf." "Oh you mean the Ark." "No mom the arf, you know the boat (duh)."

A fall without the Corn Maze just isn't, so last weekend Carol and I took the kids. We were attacked by bees (I even almost swallowed one, not kidding), we lost Wayke, the kids are likely to contract a disease from the kernel pit, luckily have not yet! We Survived! Caleb also found out that hay does not taste so good.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Name change

Macey has decided that she wants a new name and for us to call her either Princess or Lulu, depending on the day!