Sunday, November 2, 2008


This year Macey was dragon by day and lion by night, and Caleb was our little Kermie Frog. Macey's preschool put on a little show for the parents and the kids made up a story about themselves. It started off with a purple dragon that lived in the woods and blew fire, and a pink bunny (Avery) that lived in the woods also... They sang some Halloween songs and recited a little poem. It was so cute to watch, Macey loved it. Macey's been dressing up every day this week so excited to go "triter treating." We made Halloween cupcakes and on Monday Macey took some over to our neighbors, Sanna Rae and Ralph. 10 minutes later she was back, knocking on their door in costume to "triter treating!" We really have the best neighbors and Macey loves them, even in spite of their Halloween tricks! 2 years ago they had their grandson sit on the porch in costume and scare treaters when they came up. He spooked Macey and it pretty much ruined her night, we were done after that. She wouldn't go back the next year, but this year she went over, they spoiled her with goodies and then we went on our way. Later that night when we got home I heard a knock on our door and went to get it with Macey behind me, I opened the door and it was Bigfoot, and not just a big gorilla, I mean it was a really scary Bigfoot, with bulging eyes and all. I knew it was Ralph but I still kinda screeched, Macey was really spooked, she started shacking and screaming. So thanks Ralph for the nightmares, and I'm pretty sure that we won't be seeing you next year;) We were an hour late for our ward trunk-er-treat and pretty much missed it, so we came home with a bucket full of candy. Please send your kids over so we can fill them up and send them home on a major sugar high! I really do love Halloween, mostly because I love candy, but also because there's a distinct feeling of fall in the air. I also love to look at the costumes and see how creative people can get, but, now that's it's over I can start decorating for Christmas...(notice the Santa in the picture with Macey, she's already started)


julie said...

you're a girl after my own heart! Anxious to get out "Santa". I loved the kids costumes, they looked so cute. I wished that you guys lived closer so that they could come to aunt Julie's and go triter treating!

Sommer Time Farm said...

Your kids are tooo cute! I thought they were adorable. Kayden and Riley are ready to play with Macey again-been to long.

Debra said...

Oh How Cute! Bekkah got to go to your Ward's Trunk or Treat. I wish our ward would do one...She loved it!
Your kids are so adorable!

Dusty and Carol said...

Your kids looked so cute on Halloween. I am glad Macey was able to wear both costumes. That is a smart idea! I love the family pictures, they are all very cute.

michellemcpherson said...

What's this all about with you rubbing me turning 30 first in my face....I'll have you know....sister!! don't make me use my muscles!

Nathan and Shanna said...

What cuties! Halloween is so much fun. I agree with you bring out the Christmas stuff now. Brooklyn misses Macey in preschool.